Group Therapy 

Women’s Relationship Loss & Divorce Group

This October Affirming Relationship Therapy is proudly offering a women’s divorce & relationship loss group. We will examine our relationship status, share insights into what we’ve learned from relationships, and work to figure out how to move forward in our lives in a positive and constructive way that serves our needs best.

ENM* Group

Do you believe and practice in ethically non-monogamous* relationships? Are you hoping to have a space where you can talk about those relationships free from judgement and fear? This is the spot to work through your relationships with partners and metamors with other people who get you.

Rediscovering YourSELF After Relationship Loss

Women’s Empowerment & Support Group

Are you experience the loss of a relationship? Join our empowerment group to rediscover YOU!

When a relationship ends it can bring on a gamut of emotions and challenges for women moving forward on their own. Christina Coravos and Desiree Hedberg understand what it takes to reassess and re-evaluate what you want for yourself in life after intimate relationships end. Studies show that women that come together for support during crisis, live longer and thrive.

This is a process oriented group; all types of interpersonal issues will be explored through active trying of new social behavior: increase and deepen intimacy, honesty, connectedness.

Thursdays beginning October 2024

We meet for eight weeks in a closed-group format to work on relationships with spouses, co-workers, family, and friends within a safe social group.

Cost is $90 per session, with an initial 50-minute screening session for $165 with your group therapist, Desiree Hedberg or Christina Coravos. The group will be meeting for eight (8) weeks and series can be purchased for a 10% discount paying the full cost ($796) up front; or sessions may be billed on a weekly basis. Attendees must commit to attending the six of the eight weeks for group efficacy.

Open-to-Polyamorous Relationship Processing Group

Are you and your partners struggling with aspects of an open relationship, swinging, or polyamory? Or perhaps, you just feel the need to be in community with others who are actively practicing alternative relationships and need some support - that isn’t from your inside circle of partners and friends?

Wednesdays starting in Fall 2024
6:30PM–8:00PM in Los Gatos

Desiree Hedberg has been working with people in alternative relationships for more than ten years. She understands the unique challenges that come up around agreements, rules, boundaries, jealousy, scheduling and sharing.

What are your challenges and what have you learned so far in your open and poly relationships?

We will talk about all different types of relationships, from open to swinging to polyamorous.

Where does your relationship style fit and how would you ideally like it to look?

Wouldn’t it be wonderful to be in community with others who not only won’t judge your relationships, but can share insight and experience to the challenges of having different relationship styles?

We meet for eight weeks in a closed-group format to work on relationships with spouses, co-workers, family, and friends within a safe social group.

Cost is $90 per session, with an initial 50-minute screening session for $165 with your group therapist, Desiree Hedberg. The group will be meeting for eight (8) weeks and series can be purchased for a 10% discount paying the full cost ($968) up front; or sessions may be billed on a weekly basis. Attendees must commit to attending the six of the eight weeks for group efficacy.